
Why Rat Poison Is Not the Best Way to Kill Rodents in Your Home


Rats and mice are downright annoying. If they don't shred your favorite blouses to pieces, they are busy chewing through electrical wires and multiplying unbelievably. After a few months of sleepless night and being terrorized in your own house by such small creatures, most people go to the shop and buy the most potent rat poison available. While rat poison will definitely kill the mice, it is not the best method to get rid of rodents, and this is why.

29 November 2017

3 Reasons to Call a Professional Instead of Using DIY Glue Traps to Cope With Your Rat Problem


If you have a rat problem, it can be tempting to simply invest in some glue traps instead of contacting an exterminator. After all, these traps are quite cheap and easy to use. That said, using them comes with a number of disadvantages. Here are just three reasons to call a professional instead of using DIY glue traps. 1. Glue Traps Are Not Humane When most people are asked to picture a rat trap, what comes to mind is one of the spring-loaded ones commonly seen in children's cartoons.

5 January 2017

Dealing With Problem Gulls


Gulls can be a real problem for homeowners who live on the coast.  The birds are noisy, they can cause damage to exterior building fittings, and they make an awful lot of very smelly mess.  During the breeding season, gulls can become very aggressive, and you may find yourself being dive-bombed every time you leave your property. If you have a serious gull problem, you should contact your local pest control company to tackle the issue for you.

4 November 2016

Are You In Need Of Bird Control? Here Are Methods You Could Consider


If you live in an area that is home to bird species, you may find that your premises is gradually becoming invaded with these creatures. This is especially true when it comes pigeons, who will try to forage right on your property. Ignoring these bird infestations does not only mean having to contend with their fecal matter all over your yard, but it can also pose a health risk for you and your family members.

20 September 2016

Are You Inviting Termites Into Your Home? 4 Things to Stop Doing Today


Studies suggest that 10 percent of Australian households have been affected by termites. Termites can cause expensive damage to your home. While there are actions you can take to combat them such as using poison bait or calling a pest control company like Expect the Best Pty Ltd, there are also things you might be doing around your home which are increasing the chance of a termite infestation. Below is a guide to things you should avoid doing in order to help keep your home termite-free.

8 August 2016

How to Keep the Bugs from Gatecrashing Your Backyard Barbecue


Nobody does BBQs quite like the Aussies. Ever since the earliest settlers arrived in the sun-drenched land of Australia, BBQs have been a steadfast tradition. However, these backyard gatherings are popular with bugs of all shapes and sizes too. No sooner have you set up your barbecue than they come crawling, flying and hovering from all directions.  2016 has been a busy year for spiders, but even they can't keep the bugs from ruining your Aussie Barbie.

27 July 2016

How to Protect Your Home Against Summer Pests


When summer arrives, you might be excited for the warmer weather, going to the beach and enjoying barbecues with your family, but not everything is fun. Summer also brings along pests, such as mosquitoes, flies, and ants. Here are some ways to protect your home from some of the more common pests that tend to rear their ugly heads in the summer. Sprinkle Boric Acid or Powder One of the more common pests to come into your home during the summer are the ants.

8 June 2016

The Importance of a Pest Control Inspection When You Buy Your Home


When you get ready to buy a home, one of the important things to remember is to get a building / home inspection. The purpose of this is to ensure there are no issues with the property, structurally or otherwise, that will cause cost or further damage later on down the line. The last thing you're going to want when you sign up for something as big a commitment as buying a house is to move in and find it falls down a couple of weeks later.

11 December 2015

Questions People Ask About Termite Control


If you're a homeowner who thinks that you have termites, an inspection can give you a definitive answer, but once you have confirmed that your house is infested by termites, you probably have a few questions about pest treatment and what you can expect in the process. So to help you out, here are the answers to common questions people ask about termites. What Are The Most Common Types of Termites?

21 September 2015

How to Stop Your Family From Contracting Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis


When you have a family, you want to keep them as safe as possible at all times. But some germs and diseases can enter the house without you even realising it. One such disease is called Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis. What is Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis? This is an air-borne disease that is typically found in the urine, faeces, and saliva of wild rodents, with wild mice being the most prominent threat to most households.

4 September 2015